Tuesday 13 January 2009

Jobs, email and a Run to the Beach

Right... I really must get to grips with blogging in 2009 although I know I've missed a few days already....... so here goes :

It's now 13th January 2009, and I'm still on the search for a new job.

Spent a while checking my email, looking through a number of job searches that I have previously set up. Lots of duplicates (as ever!) and not much that is ideal. Did apply for one role, which is a contract but sounds like it could be a good place to work, and they offer security clearance which a number of other people seem to want.

Updated my CV on Monster.com - after THREE attempts. They claim to have made it easier to update, but that wasn't my experience.... managed it and hope it might start another flurry of phone calls like it did when I first set up the account before the end of last year.

Then decided to go for a run to the beach. Managed to avoid getting wet from the waves - not that Bournemouth beach gets much in the way of surf - but they were higher up the beach than the other day - must be something to do with the spring tides I guess. Anyway - it was a nice run and was very quiet on the beach itself - just a few dog walkers and some people checking out the stones !! Got home for a shower and some lunch.

Also thought that I should start to use the camera on my phone more often, so took a few photos on the beach. Forgot to include 'me' in the picture - so will try and so that so you know it's me....... Include one of them on this page but the others are on my Facebook pages.

Off to do some other chores and stuff - will try and post something after my walk in the Purbecks tomorrow.

1 comment:

Ben said...

Eeek. That's quite a break you took from blogging!