Wednesday 14 January 2009

A Walk in the Purbecks - it beats working for a living....

One of the benefits of not having a job is the fact that when it's nice and sunny, you can do other things - such as walking.

So, seeing as it was a nice day, and my colleague Graham and I are both in the same situation with regard to jobs, we decided a nice walk in the Purbecks was in order.

Parked at Kingston, went down the ridge to Egmont Point, down a steep bit to Chapman's Pool, then back up another very steep bit to Emmetts Hill and out to St Aldhelm's Head (more steep down and up bits on the way). It was very muddy and slippery, but we were saved by the use of a walking pole (a great invention if ever there was one). Then round the head to Winspit Caves for lunch, and back via Worth Matravers and Renscombe to Kingston. Probably around 9 miles total, plus the uppy and downy bits - which according to Naismith's Rule will have added more distance, and lots more effort. The increase in body weight due to the mud also added to the effort required!

Back home again now - had a nice cup of tea and looked at more emails with the intention of applying for some more jobs...... Oh, and it's the Job Centre tomorrow!

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