Friday 23 January 2009


Met a colleague yesterday who is researching the careers market and who suggested that I really should get my LinkedIn profile sorted... and also start Twittering.

So I came home after another meeting and sat down to half-watch BBC1's Hustle and promptly did both of the above. LinkedIn is useful in that recruiters and hiring managers are supposed to be looking out for good people, so I'm hoping that my updates and 'puffs' will make the difference to my job situation. provides immediate updates on what is going on, so I set up an account and am 'following' a number of sites and people, including some job agencies. This in theory means that I will receive notice of postings of new jobs the moment they are released. This could mean that you (or at least 'I') can apply before other people do. Not sure if this will make any difference, but it's worth a try.

Of course, now all I need to do is to keep a watch on twitter all the time - but I have so far resisted the thought of getting SMS's to my phone - I really don't want to be a slave to that, having been a previous Blackberry addict in my former life!!

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