Monday 19 January 2009

Google Hacks

Picked up a book from the Library at the weekend - an O'Reilly Hacks Series book called 'Google Hacks'. Loads of stuff I really don't understand, and probably don't want to either, but there are a few neat tricks that look useful.
Once example was the way to get a Google Map on to a web page - using the site. Just zoom to the place you want to be at - add a marker if you want to, then copy the Javascript and paste it into your site.
I did this to a map on a site I manage ( - see the 'Help' page).
I shall be looking through the book and pulling out a few other simple ideas ..... and if i find anything really good, then I may well post it here too.

Went to the vets again today with Lucy the rabbit - got some more medicine (Baytrill as normal) and some cream for her foot. She might have to have the claw removed, but the vet is concerned that as she's nearly 7 years old, having an full anesthetic may not be a good idea!

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