Wednesday 28 January 2009

A new month, a new job

Further to my posting of yesterday, I just wanted to say thanks for all the messages of support and congratulations that I got from so many people, by email, Facebook updates, phone calls, and good old fashioned face-to-face communications.

The last 6 months has been an interesting time, with 3 months of it as ‘garden leave’ (still being paid not to work is quite nice – up to a point) and then a month of being ’signed-on’ at the Jobcentre, followed by a month of working for the Post Office, and another month almost to the day of being ‘unemployed’ again. The Post Office work, as many of you know was slightly frustrating, and following a time with my outplacement company contact yesterday when we looked at a what sort of skills I like in a job, I can see why I found the old-fashioned and out-dated procedures a tad testing.

Anyway, back to the present……… the new role is as a Project Manager with a nice small company based in Bournemouth who develop and supply Air Traffic Control and Fighter Control simulation systems. Should be very interesting, if not a steep learning curve for me, but involves some clever technology to get to know, and the company appear to employ some great people that I be working with. I start on Monday - it's all very quick.

Thanks again for your prayers – please continue to pray for those who are still facing unemployment, uncertainty and change in this difficult time.

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