Thursday 29 January 2009

Change ISP - increase your Carbon Footprint

'How does that work?' I hear you say...

Well - I decided to change from a BT Phone and separate ADSL contract to one with Tiscali - an all inclusive package. In the past couple of weeks, I have received SIX letters from the two organisations (and a few phone calls), telling me that it's going to happen early next week, and I suspect more will follow once the conversion is completed.
Now - does it really need that many notifications - each one on several sheets of paper and an A5 envelope? One from each would have been fine by me.....

I'm sure someone will warn me that moving to 'T' is not a good idea - but on paper, it's going to cut my costs in half - most of the cost of the phone is rental as we don't make that many calls. I'm also getting unrestricted Internet traffic - better than BT's 10Gb which I was getting close to or exceeding in recent months, mainly due to the BBC iPlayer which will only get worse as more and more content is pushed that way.
I'll let you know how it pans out.

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