Friday 16 January 2009

Those annoying airline safety briefings....

My wife and I have often wondered why it is that every time you get on a plane, you get a safety briefing telling you how to put on a life jacket and get into the brace position. Seeing as 90% of airlines don't even fly over the sea, this always seems like a bit of an unnecessary old-fashioned approach to making passengers feel secure.

However - following the incident yesterday when a US Airlines pilot managed to land his Airbus A320 on the Hudson River in New York, following a catastrophic failure of both engines due to a flock of geese, maybe I'll make sure I listen better next time..........
Well done Captain Chesley Sullenberger - landing on water isn't easy at the best of times.

Photo courtesy of AP - taken by a passenger on one of the ferries which went to rescue all 155 passengers and crew who were able to scramble out onto the wings. See for the Twitter page of Janis Krums who took it !

See : for BBC news coverage.

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